Swati Sambrani
Swati Sambrani is a mental health practitioner and therapist working in this field for the last seven years now. She currently works as a counsellor with a University in Bangalore, predominantly working with young people.
Swati's curiosity about wellbeing was sparked during her time as a teacher at an alternative school in Tiruvannamalai. Working closely with students and teachers from diverse backgrounds, she recognised the significance of wellbeing in shaping individuals' journeys through life. This experience got her to dig deeper into the field of mental health, eventually leading her to become a full time practitioner.
Swati is always curious to listen to people’s stories and discover the connections that weave through people’s lives. Understanding that every individual's experience is unique, she is interested in working with people to introduce a gentle curiosity about themselves and their lives. Narrative Practices gave Swati a language to understand how all of us are meaning-makers and explore how skillfully we navigate our lives, and she believes it is the best thing that has happened to her practice.
With an interest in travel, reading, people-watching and coffee, she is always in search of spaces of love, learning, joy, wellbeing and an abundance of possibilities.