black and white picture of fine line drawing of wavy lines making up separate territories and being divided by dark lines forming river like zig zag movements cutting through different territories.

The learning will be happening online across 6 explorations over 10 months. Each exploration is 5 days with 4 hours on each day, starting January 2023.

Training Explorations

black and white picture of fine line drawing of wavy lines mostly moving vertically with some wavy lines moving diagonally.

12 small group supervision gatherings online (2 after each training explorations), for 3 hours each and facilitated by supervisors to scaffold learning and develop rigour in practical skills.


black and white picture of fine line drawing of wavy lines forming the inner structure of a leaf and multiple leaves or positioned one on top of the other.

6 online co-learning circles (1 after each exploration) for 3 hours each facilitated by people from diverse spaces.


black and white picture of fine line drawing of wavy lines converging and diverging at different points giving a feel of multiple leaf like shape

6 online sessions in small groups (1 after each exploration) for 2 hours with peers to read, watch, listen, reflect and engage with the resources shared through the diploma.

Peer support/ reading groups


Exploration 2

20 to 24 February 2023

Monday to Friday

4:00pm to 8:00pm IST

Exploration 1

9 to 13 January 2023

Monday to Friday

4:00pm to 8:00pm IST

Exploration 3

27 to 31 March 2023

Monday to Friday

4:00pm to 8:00pm IST

Exploration 4

15 to 19 May 2023

Monday to Friday

4:00pm to 8:00pm IST

Exploration 5

3 to 7 July 2023

Monday to Friday

4:00pm to 8:00pm IST

Exploration 6

7 to 11 August 2023

Monday to Friday

4:00pm to 8:00pm IST


3 to 6 Oct 2023

Tuesday to Friday

4:00pm to 8:30pm IST


31 October 2023


4:00pm to 7:00pm IST

Details of the curriculum can be accessed through this PDF over here

Who can apply?

People who are curious about stories and want to explore more. It could be community health workers, activists, teachers, mental health workers, writers, social workers, poets, special educators, artists, photographers, counsellors, historians, psychologists, policy makers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, doctors, etc.

To complete the diploma participants will be expected to attend and participate in the training explorations, supervision and co-learning along with their assignments and the end of the year presentation sharing.