Dr. Aditi Brahmabhatt

Aditi is an Occupational therapist and Director and Co-founder of Narrative Practices India Collective.
Aditi has done Bachelors of Occupational therapy from Seth G.S. Medical College and K.E.M. Hospital, Mumbai and Masters of Occupational therapy from University of Southern California, Los Angeles.. They have worked for several years in New York supporting disabled children and their caregivers in clinical and school set up..  Also worked as trainer and mentor for community based organisations across India for early childhood development and disability..  Presently Aditi is engaged in working with children, young adults, adults and communities.. They also are trainer and supervisor for diploma in narrative practices.. Exploring the influence of narrative ideas and occupational therapy while working with people and communities resonates with Aditi..
Aditi enjoys to exist in spaces that are comfortable with the quiet and welcome lingering.. They try to hold close the fluidity in life.. Their most favorite place in the world is their bed.. They love to do things, not do things, read science fiction, vibe to music, play games and just exist from the bed.. Given a chance, Aditi can spend their entire lifetime experiencing the horizonless universe and nature.. They dream of a world where oppressive power structures are abolished and there is dignified existence for every being..